Top Adult Games for All
The thought may have crossed your mind every now and then, but it was just for a moment and you never gave it any credence.
It seemed outlandish, and no one would ever try to do it.
Well, it turns out you’re wrong.
That thought was about adult games – sex video games – and while it may not have been a reasonable thing a decade ago, it’s now totally possible and totally real.
Oh, and they’re free. Yeah, f-r-e-e, free.
These aren’t just adult versions of Sims with equally terrible graphics or anything like that; some of them are actually parodies of other games, and they make it work.
You can play Grand Fuck Auto, where you do things similar to how you’d play in Grand Theft Auto, only having sex is added on, and it’s the main focus of the game. Instead of robbing people and seeing how long you can last with five stars and cops on your tail, you’re tasked with having as much sex as possible, and you’re free to do it with whoever you want.
Learn more about Grand Fuck Auto: https://sexgamesreport.com/grand-fuck-auto/
Some games limit who you can interact with and talk to; some characters just stand there and do nothing, even if you run into them or say rude things, but not that’s not the case when it comes to Grand Fuck Auto. GFA lets you screw around with anyone you want.
Then you get to have sex with them.
Another game that parodies a well-known franchise, Call of Booty is just like the Call of Duty first-person shooter games, only instead of wearing cool armor and accessories, every player is completely naked. Seems fair enough.
As you run around various maps and shoot mercilessly at other players, your virtual private parts are going to be visible to everyone; in Call of Duty, headshots will get you killed, while in Call of Booty, one well-placed bullet to the nuts and you’re done.
If you’re into comics, then this next free adult game is the one you’ll love: Hard Knight Rises. Obviously, it’s a play on the Dark Knight Rises, a Batman video game that has been very successful in the competitive gaming industry.
In this free adult game, you’re tasked with fucking up the bad guys in more ways than one. First, you get to beat the crap out of them, just like you do in Dark Knight Rises; after that, you get to have sex with anyone you want, whether it’s the evil henchman’s girl or some random chick you save in a dark alley.
You’re the Hard Knight, so you get to choose.
A third offering, although not the last, is a game entitled the Guido Brothers.
These two rambunctious plumbers with incredible libidos are on a mission to rescue the princess, a princess who’s been captured so many times by now you’d think they’d have just let her get kidnapped once and for all and been done with her.
When you finally beat the final boss and rescue her, now the Guido Bros have to duel to see who gets to have sex with the princess.
By now you’re surely wondering where you can play these games. Fortunately for you, they’re all located in the same place, and you can play each of them for free; how do you like them apples?
This magical place where free adult games exist is called easysexgames.com.
Easy to remember, easy to play.
Well, what are you waiting for, go over there and play those free adult games!